Prepare your AC for the summer with an AC tune up

Prepare your AC for the summer with an AC tune up

In Texas, hot is not just hot! In fact, Texas is among the top five states in the country holding the record for the hottest summers. According to historical weather reports, San Antonio and Austin reached record temperatures pushing into the 110s for daytime highs in 2022. With this year’s summer expecting to be just as brutal, Boerne and Hill Country Texas residents cannot afford to half step when it comes to preparing HVAC systems and AC units for the hot Texas summer ahead. The best way to ensure your home remains cool and comfortable this summer is with a routine AC tune up.

What is an AC tune up? An AC tune-up refers to a maintenance service performed on an air conditioning system to ensure its optimal performance and efficiency. It involves a thorough inspection, cleaning, and adjustment of various components of the AC unit to keep it running smoothly. Here are some common tasks typically included in an AC tune up:

Filter replacement or cleaning:
The technician will clean or replace the air filters to maintain proper airflow and indoor air quality.

Coil cleaning:
The evaporator and condenser coils may accumulate dirt and debris over time, reducing the system’s efficiency. The technician will clean these coils to enhance heat transfer and improve overall performance.

Condensate drain inspection:
The condensate drain line can get clogged, leading to water leakage. The technician will inspect and clean the drain line to prevent blockages and potential water damage.

Refrigerant level check:
The technician will measure the refrigerant level and adjust it if necessary. An improper refrigerant level can lead to reduced cooling efficiency.

Electrical component inspection:
The electrical connections, capacitors, and relays will be inspected to ensure proper functioning. Loose or faulty connections can affect the AC system’s performance and safety.

Fan and blower maintenance:
The technician will inspect and lubricate the fan motor and blower assembly, ensuring they are functioning correctly.

Thermostat calibration: The thermostat will be checked and calibrated if needed to ensure accurate temperature control and efficient operation.

Overall system performance evaluation:
The technician will assess the system’s overall performance, including temperature differentials, airflow, and system cycling, to identify any potential issues.

By performing an AC tune up regularly, typically twice a year, homeowners can improve energy efficiency, extend the lifespan of their AC system, prevent unexpected breakdowns, and maintain optimal comfort in your homes.


Ready to schedule? Give Boerne AC a call.