5 Signs Your Heater Needs Repair

5 Signs Your Heater Needs Repair

Don’t Get Left Out in the Cold!

Fortunately, there are signs that can alert you to when its time to call a heater repair technician. Here are five of the most common signs to know so you don’t have to worry about being left out in the cold.

  1. Pilot Light is Out
    One of the most obvious signs that for a heater repair or service is if the pilot light goes out. The pilot light is a small flame that helps ignite the gas and keep the burner running. If the pilot light is extinguished, your heater will not be able to function properly, and you’ll need to get it checked out.
  2. Hearing Strange Noises
    There is a strong possibility that something is wrong if you hear strange noises coming from your unit. These noises can range from loud banging and popping sounds to grinding and squealing. These kinds of noises are often caused by debris or dust stuck in the fan motor or blower, but they could also be caused by a more serious problem, such as a broken part or loose connection. If you hear any kind of strange noise coming from your heater, it’s important to call a professional right away to diagnose the heater repair issue and determine if it needs to be serviced.
  3. Thermostat isn’t working
    One of the most common signs that your heater needs to be repaired is if your thermostat isn’t working properly. If your thermostat isn’t reaching the temperature that it is set to, then there could be an issue with your heating system. Furthermore, if you turn up the temperature and it doesn’t seem to make a difference, then your heater isn’t working correctly.
  4. Not Heating
    If you’re not feeling enough warmth coming out of your heater, it could be a sign that it needs repair. A few things could be the cause of this issue, such as an improperly sized unit, dirty air filters, blocked vents, or a faulty thermostat. First, check the air filters and see if they need to be cleaned or replaced. If the air filter isn’t the problem, then you should check the vents to make sure they’re not blocked by furniture or other objects. If the vents are clear and the filter is clean, then the thermostat may need to be checked for accuracy.
  5. Higher Energy Bills
    One of the most common signs your heater needs a repair is higher energy bills. If you notice that your monthly energy costs are steadily increasing and don’t correlate with any changes in temperature, it could mean that your heater is working harder than it should. This is usually a result of some kind of malfunctioning or blocked airflow, which requires heater repair service or professional attention.


If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s best to call a professional like Boerne Air Conditioning & Heating to keep your heating system working efficiently!

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