5 Signs You Need to Replace Your AC System

5 Signs You Need to Replace Your AC System

Trying to decide whether to repair or replace your AC system is a big decision for most people. Over time, HVAC unit start to wear down which can cost you more in repairs, maintenance, and energy bills. Consider these five signs that it might be time to replace your AC system:

  1. Older Than 10 Years
    The average lifespan of a typical AC unit is 10-15 years. A central air conditioner’s lifespan is one of the more important factors to consider when planning to invest in a replacement unit. Systems older than 13 years old likely use R22, a refrigerant that is being phased out over the next couple of years to meet environmental protection regulations, so if your unit is close to 10 years old or older, you may want to consider replacing it instead of repairing it.
  2. Not Cooling or Humidity Inconsistencies
    Your home’s AC conditioning system is designed to remove humidity from the air to keep your living space dry and comfortable. When functioning properly, the unit will maintain consistent temperatures throughout the house. When the cooling portion of your HVAC system isn’t working efficiently, humidity, inconsistent cooling, and dust increases, and are all signs of costly AC system malfunctions.
  3. Increased Utility Bills
    Heating and cooling costs generally account for roughly 44% of your overall utility costs, so if you are paying more or seeing a slow increase, your air conditioning system may not be working efficiently and will likely need to be replaced soon. A new air conditioner is highly energy efficient, resulting in lower energy bills.
  4. Excessive Noise & Dust
    The constant presence of dust in your home, even after cleaning, could be a sign that there are leaks in the ductwork. If your AC unit is noisy, there is a good possibility that your duct system isn’t large enough for the cooling area of your home, which can overwork your unit’s indoor coil, causing more frequent coil repairs and costs.
  5. Frequent Repairs
    Continuous AC repairs are a tale-tell sign that your system is on its last leg. Paying half or more the cost of a new HVAC system is a good indicator that you need a new system. You’ll save in the long run on repairs, maintenance and energy bills.

Ready to schedule? Give Boerne AC a call.